Friday 22 October 2010


Found that phrase in my head, in the bath. Good innit. Duntdo-ordinary, me. See? So why the fuck am I going on a date tomorrow with someone who totally isn't, alt.  I'll tell you why. I live with sheep. And men. Smelly men. Lazyracist men. Misogynistic men (oh btw shove the irony up your arse, I use the word cunt a fair bit, mostly for "superbastard" but yeah in the reclaimed way too. Tough.) Sun readers (better than the Mail I suppose. Not much in it) In caravans. 200m away from home. It's been 12 weeks now...

And she's lovely, a bit. Nice. I like nice. And a bit spunky, like that too. But she texts in txt spk and fancies meeting me at that dreadful Aussie place which is full of cunts, particularly at 8 on a Sat night. Now, that's partly my fault for insisting she chose the place (I wasn't expecting Bar One or 7Stars, but fuck me, Walkabout??) EPIC FAYUL.. obviously that will not happen and I'll suggest somewhere else. I realise I'm judging, and I get the feeling she's shitting it a bit; we've met and chatted a few times (she works where my sis lives) and I am totally look-them-in-the-eye-I-see-your-soul even when passing the day; some people love it others are terrified.

And it looks like I'm going to be working away for the next, I dunno, four years with this Loch Lomand project next year if it happens, added to that possibly being a babydaddy for two incredible lezzer friends. I'm pretty special (in a cool way, not an arrogant way) and need an equal.

She's not One of the Ones I know this, but One of the Ones has come-and-gone and The Actual Real One, one, is bloody unavailable and I'll be damned if I wait around forever for a One. Well, I say that, but I sort of am. Ish. Some weeks I do, some I don't. In my head.

I'm going to show sis the texts tomorrow and take advice ( it was sis who sort of set this up, the lady in question is a chef, and what did sis say? "cookin' n fuckin'" lol. Love you sitah :) and decide what to do over breakfast, which will consist of fried bullshit, coffee, and Jamesons...

There are other things; Belle and Sebastian, the Loch Lomand Island Project, Depression and the Conquering Of For A Bit In A Way, Becc and Anna, Gerry, DHV, can't be arsed now though..
